Friday, December 26, 2014

Was this year a Success?

Hello all, 
It has been a long time since my last blog. I had a teaching contract and at the same, I was ironing the last touches to my book before when it off to print.  Since 2015 is just a few days away, I thought I would write to reflect upon the year. I have to ask myself : Was it a success? 
I am going to start off with this excellent excerpt from Oprah when she was at the Stanford Graduate School for Business.

No Mistakes in Success

Her words really resonated with me when I looked at the year.  My book was delayed. I had a contract that was taking up a lot of my time, and my mother had a stroke. My pocket book didn't get better.  I was hit by government payback from my last return and unforseen large expenses. Something though that I did notice ...
My whole concept behind my book just became larger. Calmness is no longer about getting people to buy my book to help them relieve their stressful existence. It became me really breaking open my old armour and connecting with people on a human level. Calmness to me isn't just about diminishing stress. It's about really focusing on what money can't buy:  relationships, community, health, and self awareness. This is a new beginning and a very exciting one. 
Arrival of My Books:  December 10, 2014

My mother's stroke is another lesson within itself. Our relationship has been strained in the past. We come from different worlds. She is of the old European dynasty while I was born in the New World with its diversity. I realized that though we have had a lot of challenges, she is really in my heart and I will gretly miss her when she passes on. Her presence has really tested me and shaped me. I also reflect about  my own physical health and how much we do take our bodies for granted. She is on the road to recovery which will be a long one. We are there every step of the way. 

My mom and I,  NYC, July 2012
I can say that I have become more fearless and more compassionate. I remember a moment when I was in Japan where nothing affected me in the slightest because I concluded that what is ... is. You can't debate with existence. However, you can measure personal growth. To me, that is success. 
To your peace and prosperity for 2015!

Lots of love, 

Helga DeSousa
To learn about myself and my book, please visit my site: