Monday, July 16, 2012


I still haven't received my prognosis yet. But it is now looking more like asthma. Heat and humidity may have been the trigger. Being the stubborn woman I am, I decided to do some cycle hill training in the dead heat. Low and behold, I was gasping for air. I was already having some breathless symptoms prior to this feat, but exercise seems to chase it away and open up my lungs. I got away with it for nearly twenty years. Thanks to training for races and for my years of strength exercises (which I still do love).

The difference is that ever since I ventured into my "new career", my exercise time has been lessened and my "asthma symptoms" started to creep back. So if you are noticing this yourselves, take heed. Slow down, reassess and give back the respect your body deserves. I have rested for a week and a half. I noticed when I was active, my symptoms lessened, but they did not go away. I am continuing to be active, but now I know that I have to take some precautions like extreme weather temperatures. 

I will be going to an asthma clinic and will be doing a Pulmonary Function Test. The test is the same one they did with  my father who was diagnosed with COPD (though was never a smoker, so we think it was due to years of being a steel worker and inhaling steel filings). He had a hard time putting that breath out and his results were not good. So now it is my turn. My doctor says that my lungs sound fine. I am going to bet it that it is asthma. 

 According to the Paleo folks, grains, sugar, and legumes are culprits to the body's super sensitivity to allergens. Asthma is caused by the narrowing of the bronchial tubes due to some allergen trigger. I have to admit that I am not 100% paleo. I am about 70%-80% on most days. I even bought a Paleo cookbook to help my paleoness. But I will creep in that sugar or that grain based carb now and then because I love it. It's a relationship that is bad for me. But if you knew my past dating record, I held long to bad even though "bad" was not good for me. Until I got tired of the pattern. Which is "key".  I have to be tired enough of this breathless pattern which only became a problem recently. Then again, this could all be about the weather. And we all know, that changes too!

Until next time, 


P.S.  I just found a blog about a man who cured his asthma with the paleo diet. His asthma symptoms were exactly the ones I have been experiencing. Amazing stuff!

JD Moyer: How I Cured My Asthma With One Simple Diet Change

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