Saturday, February 25, 2012

Voca loca?

Thinker Writer Pose
I decided to experiment with another blog. I have the one blog called diary of a woman's paleo journey which is about switching to a paleo diet and to see if it all indeed another diet hype. I am still working on that.  I want to blog beyond diet. I have had a lot of mini epiphanies that I just want to express and share. Some of those thoughts should be genuinely expressed. I am not here to please anyone. I am here to explore this era that we are in called the information age. Living in it has had its benefits and shortfalls. I am finding that right now I am in  a midst of noise. A whole lot of noise.

I get bombarded with noise about self help. I get rained down on noise about making more money and becoming more successful in all facets of my life. I hear noise about people who really see what the problem is about our society and have the answers. I am bamboozled by stories and mountain of stories about the upcoming end of time. Environmental problems created by HUMANS.  Social problems created by  HUMANS. Aliens watching us in interest? Are we really that interesting? Wow, what an egoistic bunch we are.
And the list goes on and on.

I do not present solutions here. I do not have all the answers. I just want to show you what I see and hear what I experience. Then you can decide if I am spouting out crap or if what I express may some weight. Maybe it may inspire you to create your own new ideas and views. And maybe put them into action for the common good?

Voca loca to me means crazy voice. If you are in linguistics, it may mean something completely different like crazy vocation. But it is all sematics. It is a catchy phrase and I like it!

Welcome to my first post on this blog.

Let's see what my thought bugs can create

Yours in blogness,


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